Signed, Sealed, Severed (2020)
Rigamortis (2020)
Chaotic Good (2020)
The Commode for 19 Chairs (2020)
Forever and Some Ongoing (2020)
A Consistently Stoic, Deadpan Expression
A New Romantic Function Ongoing (2020)
Lion's Breath (2020)
A Puddle and its Cloud (2020)
Happy Slap (2020)
Multitudes of Mega Proposal (2020)
Knuckle and Knot (2020)
Symptoms of Pressure (2019)
Personal Space Adjustment (2019)
Acqua Alta Appreciation Society (2020)
Love Lockdown (2020)
Acqua Alta Appreciation Society (2019)
Temporal Sculpture (2019)
The Warmth from your TV (2019)
Municipal Desire Proposal (2019)
Acqua Alta Appreciation Society (2019)
Everest (2019)
Mortar from Pestle (2019)
Fertility Vase (2018)
Rockin Robin (2016)
Zen Traps with Jackson Iredale and Calum Ray (2016)
Play Project (2016)
Play Project (2016)
Me and EU (2016)
Play Project (2016)